We have 7 weeks tell Austin graduates and we go on our much needed vacation!! First off I am so excited for Austin, he has worked so hard to get his Bachelors in Accounting and I know he will feel happy once its over. Austin graduates on May 5th, graduation starts at 10 and goes tell 12. We then have to run to the airport to catch a flight to Florida at 2:30pm. We will be rushing but we will be so excited to go and I'm sure it'll all work out. We get to go on a Caribbean Cruise! I am seriously so excited, not only is it a graduation present for Austin but my family is going too which always is awesome. We leave Sunday morning and head to Key West, then we have a day at Sea, Grand Cayman, Jamaica, and one last day at sea before we come home. Once we get back Austin starts his Masters program that next week. Talk about cramming stuff in, we must be good at that. Austin said if he even took the rest of the summer off it would be hard to go back so we are just plugging forward!
I couldn't be more proud of him for doing this, I know its been hard because he started so much later than most people but he has done so well and been so motivated that I think this was the perfect time for him to do this. Now to just get through the Masters program and CPA stuff!!! Thank goodness we waited to have kids that's all I have to say. :)
Austin has been looking for a job sense Nov of last year, nothing to serious just something more in accounting and that pays more! Overstock has been great and came at the perfect time but with him graduating I know he wants to find something more in his field. He applied for a job at the end of Feb. Went through the interview process and found out he was 1 of 130 applicants and was on the lower end of experience (which we know, he hasn't even graduated haha). I wasn't really expecting a call back because of that comment but he got a second interview and GOT THE JOB!!! It was crazy. But then..... Overstock found out and didn't want to lose him. I figured they wouldn't pay him more than what the other company was offering so I didn't worry about it. I get a call from Austin saying "you are never going to believe what happened... Overstock is offering me a manager position and more than what the other company is offering". I was blown away to say the least. So needless to say he is at Overstock still haha. Couldn't turn down the opportunity and money they were offering, plus they have been so good to us and he has been there for 2 years so he has paid his dues. haha The past few months have been full of fun exciting things and I am glad we are moving in the right direction... ITS ABOUT TIME!!!
As for me we went through a new ownership change again at the Salon and I couldn't be more happy about it! They are great to work for and have given our little salon some tender love and care and looks great! We have been busier and I am very grateful for that. I am a stress er so its been nice to be busy again and not be called "lazy daisies" and have a good salon name!!!
Cooper is getting to be a big boy! He has for sure put on his winter pounds, I swear his fur is thicker this year. Austin took him for a run the other day and said it was more of a walk/run for Cooper. He has been weasing alot lately too so he is going to be running every night to get this winter weight off! He gets his haircut next week too by the lady that he has been going to for forever and I found her again! She ended up leaving the place and wasn't able to grab all her clients numbers so Cooper's last haircut to say the least was AWFUL! So I am grateful to have found her. Hopefully with the Haircut and running he can slim down so people stop telling me "wow he has gained weight!". Why is it okay for people to say that about animals but not people? I'm pretty sure you wouldn't like it if I walked up to your child and said "wow he/she has gained some weight!!" hahaha yes he is my child so back off there isn't much I can do in the winter. :)
After the last year of working our butts off I can finally say it has paid off and hopefully is only up hill from here....... I guess I can only hope right???? :)
Giving up the Goal
11 years ago